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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

The Local Control Accountability Plan

The Local Control Accountability Plan

To review Tehama County LCAP reports click here.
In 2013, California adopted a new funding formula for TK – 12 education. The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) challenges educators and communities to think differently about fiscal accountability and transparency. It requires alignment of public school budget to data-identified instructional priorities that address student learning and safety needs. LCFF is intended to improve funding equity and restore local spending authority to districts across the state.

Under the funding requirements, each California district will write a three year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), based on local educational needs. The LCAP outlines how the district will match its budget to its student learning needs and identifies indicators of progress.  This plan is reviewed and approved by County Offices of Education.  

The LCAP must be written in consultation with all identified stakeholders (staff and staff associations, parents, students, community partners, County Offices of Education, etc.). The LCAP also must describe how the district will meet annual goals for all students and specific subgroups that address eight state accountability priorities clustered into three general domains: Conditions for Learning, Engagement, and Pupil Outcomes.
hand holding marker next to flow chart with linked boxes: LCAP Update Template, Possible Indicators of Progress, LCFF Regulations (English), LCFF Regulations (Spanish), California Department of Education Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), WestEd LCFF Information and Videos, California Department of Education LCFF FAQs, Document Tracking Services (for Participating Districts).