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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

Region 2 CLIC Project

Region 2 CLIC Project

Visit the Region 2 CLIC Project website to see current professional development in HSS, review resources for the HSS Framework, and view past trainings.

HSS New Framework and Curriculum

HSS New Framework and Curriculum

History Social Science Framework
You can view a list of the new curriculum or publisher's information we have available to view at TCDE here. If you'd like to setup a time to review the HSS Adoption Toolkit to begin the piloting process let us know.
Revisit the slides from the HSS Framework and Adoption Toolkit session from March 2018 found here.
Constitution Day

Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day! Every school is legally required to observe the day to ensure students know their responsibilities and opportunities as a citizen.