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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

One woman helping another in a classroom. Picture says the power of parents. Research underscores the impact of parent involvement in schools.

To download the presentation, click here.
Parent's Guide to Assessments in California:

Parent's Guide to Assessments in California:

Web Resources:

Web Resources:

Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) Information

Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) Information

What youWhat you
Common sense for families
Common Sense Media has apps/websites to support your children, but also resources for you as parents to address concerns regarding technology and media.
Parent Handbooks:

Parent Handbooks:

These Parent Handbooks include an introduction to the Common Core State Standards, an overview of what your child will be learning about in English language arts/mathematics, tips for talking to your child's teacher, and ideas/activities to help your child extend learning at home.

                                          ENGLISH                  SPANISH

Preschool                             NA                               N/A

Kindergarten                         GR0-EN                       GR0-SPAN

First Grade                            GR1-EN                       GR1-SPAN

Second Grade                        GR2-EN                       GR2-SPAN

Third Grade                          GR3-EN                       GR3-SPAN

Fourth Grade                         GR4-EN                       GR4-SPAN

Fifth Grade                           GR5-EN                       GR5-SPAN

Sixth Grade                           GR6-EN                       GR6-SPAN

Seventh Grade                       GR7-EN                       GR7-SPAN

Eighth Grade                         GR8-EN                       GR8-SPAN

High School                          GR12-EN                     GR12-SPAN