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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

Early Learning Programs and Services logo

Our State Preschool program strongly believes that our teachers have a great responsibility to provide for your child an environment that will stimulate and enrich him/her as well as help build a strong foundation for future learning.

It is crucial that our staff know your child’s level of cognitive and social emotional development and is aware of his/her strengths when offering age appropriate activities to meet individual and whole class needs.


Preschool children love to learn by ‘doing.’ They are active learners who gain knowledge by interacting directly with concrete objects. Within our daily routine we offer many hands-on activities and projects designed to develop and build on their growing skills. It is exciting to watch as preschool children tirelessly experiment, explore and investigate their learning environment.

For more information, please visit our Program Information & Registration Page.

Program Staff

Program Staff

Alyssa McCombs
Director, Early Childhood
Trisha Williams
Holly Rhoads
Celena Sinclair
Early Learning Quality Specialist
Crystal Sides
Enrollment Specialist
Sarah Bollingmo
Early Childhood Education Specialist
Lydia Marvel 
Administrative Assistant lll
Patricia Banks
Administrative Assistant ll