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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

Foster & Homeless Coordinating Program

Foster/Homeless Coordinating Program provides technical assistance to Tehama County School Districts to support school stability, and college and career readiness for foster and homeless students in our county. We work closely with community agencies including the Tehama County Department of Social Services, Probation, CASA, Shasta College, Independent Living Program, Children First Foster Family Agency, Tehama County Mental Health, PATH, and Tehama County Public Health.

Foster Homeless Coordinating Program can offer training in the areas of:
  • Trauma Informed Practices for Schools
  • Educational Rights of Foster and Homeless Youth


Assembly Bill 490—Ensures that Foster Youth have the following:

  • Access to the same educational opportunities and resources as other students
  • Increased stability of school placements
  • Immediate enrollment even when records are not available
  • Timely transfer of student records
  • Calculation of full or partial credit for coursework by schools the student has attended
  • Education placement decisions that are determined by the youth’s best interest

* See the Foster Youth Education Rights below for more information.



Who Counts as a “Homeless” Student?

The Federal Government’s legal definition of homelessness is based upon the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act as anyone who:
  • Lacks a regular, fixed and adequate nighttime residence
  • Is sharing housing due to economic struggles
  • Is living in a public place not designed for sleeping or permanent residence (cars, parks, shelter or motel)
  • Is an unaccompanied youth
  • Is a youth awaiting foster care placement
  • Is a migrant youth who qualifies under any of the above

Youth Have Rights to:

  • Enroll in school without proper documentation/immunization records
  • Attend classes while educational records are being located and transferred
  • Remain in their school of origin
  • Enroll in school without giving a permanent address
  • Receive transportation to and from school

* See McKinney Vento Homeless Assistant Act Poster below for more information.

Foster Homeless Coordinating Program has some resources available to school liaisons. Contact Barbara or Karina for resources, training opportunities, or more information.

Tehama County Family Resources

Program Staff

Program Staff

Barbara Weaver
Foster/Homeless Specialist
(530) 528-7321
Karina Velasquez
Foster/Homeless Specialist