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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

You will find many child care resources on the Web. Click one of the links below for more information on valuable resources.

C.A.R.E.S. Resources

C.A.R.E.S. Resources

  • California Association for the Education of Young Children serves and acts on behalf of the needs and rights of young children with primary focus on the provision of educational services and resources to adults who work with and for children birth through age eight.
  • First 5 California provides a comprehensive, integrated system of early childhood development services, on a community-by-community basis, to all children prenatal to five years of age.
Child Care Planning Resources

Child Care Planning Resources

Non-Profit Organization Resources

Non-Profit Organization Resources

Children Now is a national organization for people who care about children and want to ensure that they are the top public policy priority.
Early Edge is a nonprofit, non-partisan advocacy organization formed in 2003 that brings together a diverse group of supporters, from kindergarten teachers to CEOs to county sheriffs, to advocate for every child in California to have the opportunity to go to quality, voluntary preschool.
Zero to Three is a national non-profit charitable organization, concerned with the first three years of life. Its aim is to strengthen and support families, practitioners and communities to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers.
State-Funded Resources

State-Funded Resources

For information on state-funded programs for children and families, visit the California Department of Education's Child Development Division website.

Child Care Legislation

Child Care Legislation

For up-to-date information on current child care legislation, state budget concerns and advocacy opportunities, visit the following websites: