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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

Summer SERRF Registration

Summer SERRF Registration

Summer Information

Who Can Attend

Program enrollment is open to all students in the school. However, should enrollment exceed the program capacity, a waiting list will be developed. You can find a current list of school sites here.

Enrollment Status:

If you meet the enrollment deadline, then your child(ren) will be considered enrolled. ALL enrollment status notifications will be sent out by JUNE 1st. 

Program Fees, Hours and Start Dates: 

Fees, hours and start dates vary by site. See the flyer below for specific details.

Summer Registration 2024


Summer SERRF 2024 Registration 

SERRF registration has a new look!

When registering your student, you will be prompted to create a new account.
SERRF registration has a new look.  You


(Antelope, Berrendos, and Plum Valley students)
(Bidwell, Jackson, Metteer, Reeds Creek, and Vista students)
(Gerber, Los Molinos, and Vina students)
(Fournoy, Maywood, Olive View, Rancho Tehama, Richfield, West Street,  and Woodson students)
Lassen View students:  Please see Lassen View website for details.
Kirkwood students: Please see Kirkwood website for details.
Important Information:
  • If enrolling after May 1st your child(ren) will be placed on a waitlist. Enrollment status will be sent out by June 1st.
  • Registration Links will be live on April 8, 2024 @ 7:30 am.  If your link does not appear to be live @ 7:30, please refresh your page.
Click here to register for Parks & Recreation Fun Zone
After signing up for Fun Zone, be sure to click to register for EDMO too!!!!
Corning PAL Registration

Bus Schedule

SERRF registration has a new look!

SERRF registration has a new look!

SERRF registration has a new look.  You
2024 Summer SERRF Information in English
2024 Summer SERRF Information in Spanish