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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

CTE 100 Foundations Course

CTE 100 Foundations Course

The CTE 100 Foundations Course provides instructional pedagogical theories in relation to skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. Instruction fulfills the competencies as identified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) Program Standard 13.
Candidates in this program must hold a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist credential which includes the authorization to teach English learners. They will then apply for a preliminary CTE Designated Subject (DS) Credential and complete the program requirements for adding a DS CTE Credential while holding another teaching credential.

Throughout the one-year asynchronous credentialing program, the CTE teacher will be provided with advisement. They will demonstrate competency surrounding CTE Foundations (Program Standard 13) while concurrently teaching two semesters of a CTE course that aligns with the industry sector listed on their preliminary CTE Credential.  There is not a mentorship component to this coursework. As an approved Career Technical Education (CTE) teacher preparation program, the Tehama County Department of Education (TCDE) will recommend candidates to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for their clear Career Technical Education (CTE) Credential at the completion of the program. 
The DS Clear Credential authorizes the holder to teach one or more subjects in the industry sectors named on the credential to K-12 and adults in career technical, trade, or vocational courses. The employing school district must determine, based on the teacher's work experiences, which subjects in the industry sector they are able to teach.
Program Staff

Program Staff

Jillian Damon, Ed. D.
Erin Sutter
Kim Clawson
(530) 528-7311