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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

FIRST-TIME Credential Program

FIRST-TIME Credential Program

As an approved Career Technical Education (CTE) teacher preparation program, the Tehama County Department of Education (TCDE) provides teacher preparation for the Designated Subjects (DS) CTE Teaching Credential. This course of study includes a purposeful, developmentally designed sequence of coursework that effectively prepares CTE teachers to teach all students in public education, giving them skills to transfer to the workplace. 
During Year One of the program, candidates will demonstrate competency in all Category I Program Standards, which are aligned to the state-adopted 7-12 CTE curriculum standards and framework and base CTE teachers’ competence on California’s Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). Additionally, they will successfully teach two of the four semesters within their industry sectors required for their program completion. 
Year Two of the program focuses on Category II program standards, coupled with two more semesters of teaching experience within the industry sector(s). The preliminary CTE credential will continue to allow candidates to teach one or more subjects in the industry sector(s) named on the credential to K-12 and adults in career technical, trade, or vocational courses. The employing school district must determine, based on work experiences, which subjects in the industry sector candidates are able to teach. 
While all Category II standards are covered in the two-year course sequence, each course has a core focus skill embedded throughout the instruction to enhance pedagogical practices that foster high student achievement. 
Program Staff

Program Staff

Jillian Damon, Ed. D.
Erin Sutter
Kim Clawson
(530) 528-7311