Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Preparation Program

Pathways to Becoming a CTE Teacher
CTE Pathways- 24/25 (Site) by Tehama Schools
Pathways to Becoming a CTE Teacher
CTC Career Technical Education Industry Sectors by Tehama Schools
Do you have a minimum of three years of experience in one of these industry sectors?
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Arts, Media, and Entertainment
- Building and Construction Trades
- Business and Finance
- Education, Child Development, and Family Services
- Energy, Environment, and Utilities
- Engineering and Architecture
- Fashion and Interior Design
- Health Science and Medical Technology
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Manufacturing and Product Development
- Marketing, Sales, and Service
- Public Services
- Transportation
If yes, you may be eligible for the Designated Subject (CTE) Teaching Credential, allowing you to teach industry, career technical, trade or vocational classes, in grades twelve and below and in classes organized for adults.
What is CTE Teacher preparation?
What is CTE Teacher preparation?
What is CTE Teacher preparation?
The Tehama Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Preparation Program offers a purposeful, developmentally designed sequence of coursework that effectively prepares CTE teachers to successfully teach all students in public education to perform in a competitive workplace. The program is based on a clearly stated rationale that has a sound theoretical and practical foundation anchored to the knowledge base of teacher education. The program consists of 135 hours of approved professional preparation that is aligned to the state-adopted 7-12 CTE curriculum standards and framework and bases CTE teachers’ competence on California’s Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).
Why choose the Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation program?
Why choose the Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation program?
Why choose the Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation program?
While Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers are typically considered to be experts in their industry or field, they often join the teaching profession without extensive background and formal training in teaching practices and instructional strategies. The CTE Teacher Preparation Program was established to provide an effective transition into teaching focused on increasing the efficacy and retention rates of beginning teachers in California.
Our program offers synchronous and asynchronous components which can all be completed virtually. We understand the strengths and challenges of building and supporting CTE pathways in the Northstate. Our goal is to not only support CTE teachers in the credentialing program but to help them successfully develop their students' skill sets to enable them to continue their education or enter the workforce. We offer a high level of support and individualization within the program. We monitor each candidate's progress providing them timely and personalized feedback to enhance their effectiveness.
Our goal is to support your district in the retention of quality CTE teachers and help them build connections with industry partners in our area.
What the Research says..
What the Research says..
What the Research says..
"These youth and adult learners in CTE programs are more engaged, graduate high school at higher rates, earn industry-recognized credentials, and have rewarding and family-sustaining careers."
CA CTE Fact Sheet 2023

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