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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

Early Completion Option (ECO)- SB 57

Early Completion Option (ECO)- SB 57


The Early Completion Option (ECO) is provided under Senate Bill 57 and California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Induction Preconditions. Tehama Teacher Induction has created criteria for an application package for candidates to apply for the ECO and to provide artifacts to demonstrate they meet the requirements of being EXPERIENCED AND EXCEPTIONAL. ECO is intended to provide an accelerated program for candidates who have completed their credential preparation and have teaching experience out of state, out of the country, or have been teaching in an accredited private school and are now working to meet the credentialing requirements for California public schools. ECO candidates must demonstrate their experience in teaching with a credential and highlight their exceptionality through demonstration of mastery in all six California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) through their formal end-of-year evaluations. Candidates who meet these criteria have the opportunity to apply for ECO. If approved, candidates could complete Teacher Induction at an accelerated pace, either twelve or eighteen months. As with completion of the full-length induction program, completion of the ECO allows individuals the opportunity to earn their Professional Clear Credential. Final approval or denial of ECO rests with Tehama Teacher Induction as the Program Sponsor. 


Early Completion Option (ECO) candidates who receive approval and meet all approved program criteria will be eligible to complete and submit for their Professional Clear Credential at an accelerated pace. ECO approval is at the discretion of the Program Sponsor, and candidates must obtain approval from their current administrator before submitting their ECO application. All induction assignments must be completed on time and to a high standard to demonstrate their exceptionality throughout the program.  


To meet the approved ECO program criteria, candidates must be able to demonstrate they are both Experienced and Exceptional through an application process. 
  • Assignment Completion: All induction assignments must be completed on time and to a high standard to demonstrate exceptionality throughout the program.  
  • Credential Held: Applicants must hold a California Preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, PK-3, and/or Education Specialist Credential with no outstanding assessments (Example: RICA)
  • Experience: Applicants must provide documentation of a minimum of two years prior teaching experience as the full-time credentialed teacher of record in the earned credential area. Experience may include completing an intern program, teaching out-of-state, out-of-country, or teaching at an accredited private school. 
    • Substitute teaching, student teaching, permits, waivers, or experience as a paraeducator do not qualify 
  • Exceptionality: Applicants must provide evidence of two consecutive years of formal end-of-year evaluations that document the candidate, at a minimum, meets or exceeds standards in all six CSTPs.
  • Administrative Verification: Site or district administration must approve that the candidate is both experienced and exceptional and can meet ECO application requirements.
  • Observation of Candidate: After initial approval, program staff will observe the candidate to verify exceptionality. 
* Approval or Denial of ECO based on the program's established criteria will be communicated. If approved, to remain in ECO status, candidates must complete all assignments at a high level by the program's due date. 


All candidates initially enroll in the traditional two-year induction program and teach for one semester before the application process begins. The Early Completion Option program criteria will be explained in general terms during the Year 1 Orientation.  Induction candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and would like to apply for the Early Completion Option must attend the ECO Informational Meeting at the beginning of the second semester.  During the ECO Overview meeting in semester two,  the criteria and process will be explained, and an outline of the process will be provided. The program staff will inform candidates of the timeline and necessary due dates for the ECO application process. ECO approval or denial is based on the program sponsor's established criteria and is at the discretion of the Tehama Teacher Induction Program. Approval or Denial will be communicated with the candidate, mentor, and administration.  If approved to participate in the  ECO program, candidates must continue to meet all Year 1 deadlines, participate fully in the program, and complete all assignments at a high level.