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Tehama County Department of Education

Tehama County Department of Education

Help Me Grow Tehama

About US

About US

Help Me Grow LogoHelp Me Grow Tehama is a project of the Tehama County Department of Education and is funded by First 5 Tehama.  Help Me Grow provides no cost services for all families with children age 0-5 in Tehama County. Services include helping parents track their child’s development, connecting parents with resources available to them, and supporting parents to achieve their goals.
Our dedicated staff is committed to helping families be strong and healthy, to access needed resources, and provide a judgment-free zone for parents to get the support they need! Parenting is hard and we can help!
Supporting families through connection

Supporting families through connection

Have worries or questions about how your child is behaving, learning and developing? Complete the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (Available in English and Spanish)

Would you like a new parent kit? FREE Kit for New Parents
Feeling stressed out? Check out the Stress Buster Tool Kit from First 5 Tehama

Looking for counseling services? Check out this great resource

In need of resources and don’t know where to start? Call 2-1-1 today or find them at

Would you like to receive a call from a Help Me Grow Family Liaison? Fill out this form and we will be in touch.
Curious about home visiting services in Tehama County? Check out this informative video.
Are you interested in learning more about your child’s development?

Are you interested in learning more about your child’s development?

As a parent, you may have worries or questions about how your child is behaving, learning and developing. Completing the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) for your child age 1mo-5yrs is a great way to learn about their development.  ASQ results help you and your doctor determine if your child might need extra support.  Answer the screening questions the best you can. If you need help, you can ask your doctor or staff.
Family Resource Centers

Family Resource Centers


Tehama County Department of Education

Jackie Espinoza
ECE Specialist

Los Molinos/Gerber

Los Molinos Elementary School

Norma Chavez
Family Resource Liaison
530-528-7398 or 530-840-8299
Yasmin Solorio
Family Resource Liaison
530-528-7398 or 530-840-8260

Corning Office

710 6th St. Corning, CA
Graciela Ramirez
Family Resource Liaison
Rocio Rico
Family Resource Liaison
¿Está interesado en aprender más sobre el desarrollo de su hijo?

¿Está interesado en aprender más sobre el desarrollo de su hijo?

En ocasiones usted podría tener inquietudes o preguntas sobre como que se desarrolla su niño, se comporta y aprende.  Contestar los cuestionarios Edades y Etapas (ASQ) puede ser un excelente medio a través del que usted y el doctor de su niño pueden obtener información acerca del aprendizaje de su hijo.  Los resultados del ASQ le ayudan a usted y a su doctor a determinar si su niño necesita apoyo adicional.  Responda las preguntas lo mejor que pueda pero no dude en hacerle preguntas a su doctor de su hijo ó al personal.